Happy St. Patrick’s day to one and all, near and far. Following two years of covid, God willing today will be a day of joy and one in which we will all enjoy, especially our children. God bless you all.
Our small Country like every other Countries around the world has inadequacies. Today is a day however to celebrate all that is good here. We especially are cognisant of the peaceful society we live in. This is highlighted by events in the Ukraine. How lucky we are. We thank God for this grace bestowed upon us. We should reflect today on all the good this small country contains and remembering and praying for all those not so fortunate…..
https://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/web3-saint-patrick-portrait-flickr.jpg6001200William Henryhttps://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/keash-parish-logo2.pngWilliam Henry2022-03-17 08:26:322022-03-17 08:28:11Happy St Patrick’s day
The Vatican just announced, that on Friday the 25th of March, at 5 pm. , during the Celebration of Penance in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The same act, on the same day, will be carried out in Fatima by His Eminence Cardinal Krajewski, Apostolic Almoner, as envoy of the Holy Father.
In 1984, Pope John Paul the second also consecrated Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the 25th of March. This date is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord or Incarnation of Jesus in Mary’s womb.
the Latin Rite Catholic bishops of Ukraine sent a letter to Pope Francis, at the beginning of March, asking him to consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
It was at Fatima during the apparitions in 1917, that the Blessed Virgin Mary revealed three secrets. One of the secrets as recalled by visionary Sister Lucia, was that Our Lady asked for “the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays” to prevent a second world war.
In a letter written in 1989, Sister Lucia confirmed that Pope John Paul the second satisfied Our Lady’s request for Russia’s consecration in 1984. In the apparition of July 1917 in Fatima, Our Lady stated that if this request were not granted, Russia would spread “its errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecution of the Church. ”
This re-consecration will hopefully bring peace.
https://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/screen_shot_2019-06-13_at_9.58.30_pm.png450800William Henryhttps://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/keash-parish-logo2.pngWilliam Henry2022-03-16 06:38:092022-03-16 06:38:09Consecration of Russia and Ukraine
St Kevin’s Church Keash – invitation to view works to date – Sunday 6th of March 4pm-6pm.
We as a parish have travelled a considerable journey in restoring Keash Church, the oldest Church in existence within the Diocese of Achonry. We started out with replacing the roof of the Church in September 2019 and have now completed the Heating and Electric works, to include lighting. We have erected a new wall along the road of the church, together with new footpaths and gates. We have insulated the attic and carried out extensive works within the sacristy.
It is now time to bring this project to completion. It is important that the people of the Parish have an opportunity to witness the works completed on the church inside and outside with a view towards having it finalised. The Church in Keash will be opened between the hours of 4pm and 6pm on Sunday the 6th of March next, where the people of our parish are invited to attend and to reflect on the works completed and give their views to what they would like to see in finishing out the works. Tea and Coffee with light refreshments will be served.
The peoples views are sought as to whether they want to paint the Church, put down new carpet (or not) and as to what finish they feel appropriate for the Sanctuary. If the Sanctuary is left without any significant additional works, then it is possible that the Church might open earlier. When the seats go back into the Church, they will be fixed to the floor; therefore, it is important that a final decision on painting and carpet are made before the seats return to the Church.
If the people feel that the Sanctuary be fitted with the ‘Reredos’ circulated recently, then the works will take a little longer and a more specific time frame and costing will be shared with the people in due course. It would be wonderful that both parts of our Parish have Churches to be proud of and ones that will have a future in one form or another.
It is important however that the people have an input into the finish they want for the Church in Keash. The people have supported these works in many ways to date, financially and otherwise. I want to express my deep gratitude for this support. These works could not have happened without the good people of this parish. The condition of the church is a reflection of the faith of the people. I understand parts of this journey have been frustrating and the world of covid, did not help. I assure you that I have felt that frustration also but I have continually asked the Lord for direction and the hope that this journey would ultimately prove successful. I hope the people reflect of this journey with pride and satisfaction. The journey is almost complete. I look forward to meeting you all on the 6th of March next.
https://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/20180820_112401-705x529-1.jpeg529705William Henryhttps://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/keash-parish-logo2.pngWilliam Henry2022-02-19 17:13:022022-02-19 17:13:02Invitation – Keash Church
Exploring Priesthood – Zoom with Seminarians and Priests.
On Tuesday 1st March @ 8pm there will be an opportunity to join in on a Zoom to find out more about priesthood and to hear directly from two young men who are currently studying for the priesthood in our National Seminary in Maynooth. The event is being run by the National Vocations Office. Further information and registration details can be obtained by emailing [email protected] alternatively by visiting vocations.ie/zoom or by contacting our Vocations Director Fr Paul Kivlehan 087-3683535.
https://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/20200415T1113-222-CNS-PRIESTLY-ORDINATIONS-COVID-19-scaled.jpg17072560William Henryhttps://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/keash-parish-logo2.pngWilliam Henry2022-02-13 20:04:352022-02-13 20:08:34Ever consider becoming a Priest?
Bishop Paul Dempsey has welcomed Fr Victor Akongwale to ministry in the Diocese of Achonry. A priest of the Ogoja Diocese in Nigeria. Fr Victor brings to our diocese many years of experience in priestly ministry. As he joins our diocese, we recall Bishop Thomas McGettrick SPD – a native of Killavil in Bunninadden Parish, who was ordained a priest of Achonry Diocese in 1930 but went on to be a founder member of St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan. Later he became Bishop of Ogoja Diocese, Fr Victor’s native diocese (1955-1973), and would no doubt rejoice with us as a son of his diocese returns to Achonry to share the Gospel in new surrounds. Reflecting on this link and in welcoming Fr Victor, Bishop Paul said “it has gone full circle”. Thanks be to God. Fr Victor takes us duty as Curate in Swinford Parish. He is wished every joy, happiness and a fulfilled ministry in our midst.
https://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/gc-pwel.jpg625466William Henryhttps://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/keash-parish-logo2.pngWilliam Henry2022-02-05 16:20:122022-02-05 16:32:38Achonry diocese welcomes a new Priest
Meeting to renew and rebuild all the different ministries.
On Thursday night next February 10th, a meeting will take place in Culfadda Church at 8.00pm.
The focus of this meeting is to review and hopefully renew all Parish Ministries following the last two years and the difficulties that presented .
This is an invitation to everyone – all existing members and indeed new members are all invited.
The Ministries include for example: Readers, Ministers of the Eucharist, those involved as Collectors and those who would like to see Altar serving up and running again.
The people of our parish are wonderful and they support their churches no end but the numbers involved in these roles have fallen in recent years.
Please continue to pray and look within oneself to see can I as an individual help in some way. In all walks of life, there can be a mindset that someone else will do it. Participating in these roles is a form of prayer in itself – it’s an offering of oneself to the will of God. Please allow yourself to remain open within your heart to the voice of the Lord – should he be asking you at this time to assist him with these roles.
We will set up a what’s App grouping to enable people in different Ministries to easily call upon others to swap with them, where difficulties present in attending on certain weekends.
If you cannot attend the meeting but are willing to be involved, please phone or e mail Fr. Gabriel.
Maybe you might not be able to be involved in a regular rota due to work or otherwise but are willing to be on stand by (in a what’s app grouping or otherwise); if someone else cannot attend on a specified weekend. That in itself can play a wonderful part. If you can play any part, please come forward.
O glorious St. Paul, who from a persecutor of Christianity, didst become a most ardent Apostle of zeal; and who to make known the Savior Jesus Christ unto the ends of the world didst suffer with joy imprisonment, scourgings, stonings, shipwrecks and persecutions of every kind, and in the end didst shed thy blood to the last drop, obtain for us the grace to receive, as favors of the Divine mercy, infirmities, tribulations, and misfortunes of the present life, so that the vicissitudes of this our exile will not render us cold in the service of God, but will render us always more faithful and more fervent.
V. Pray for us, Saint Paul the Apostle,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
Let us pray
O God, Who hast taught the multitude of the Gentiles by the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle: grant unto us, we beseech Thee, that we who keep his memory sacred, may feel the might of his intercession before Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Dates for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation.
First Confession for pupils from Keash National School – Tuesday March 8th at 7.00pm and for pupils from Culfadda National School – Thursday March 10th at 7.00pm.
Confirmation for 5th & 6th class pupils from Keash & Culfadda National Schools – Saturday March 12th at a time to be confirmed by the Bishop.
First Holy Communion for pupils from Keash National School – Saturday May 7th at 11.30am.
First Holy Communion for pupils from Culfadda National School – Saturday May 14th at 11.30am.
https://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/6iyL66pin.jpg760640William Henryhttps://www.keashparish.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/keash-parish-logo2.pngWilliam Henry2022-01-22 18:15:162022-01-22 18:25:07Dates for First Confession, First Communion and Sacrament of Confirmation