Parish Ministries meeting
Meeting to renew and rebuild all the different ministries.
On Thursday night next February 10th, a meeting will take place in Culfadda Church at 8.00pm.
The focus of this meeting is to review and hopefully renew all Parish Ministries following the last two years and the difficulties that presented .
This is an invitation to everyone – all existing members and indeed new members are all invited.
The Ministries include for example: Readers, Ministers of the Eucharist, those involved as Collectors and those who would like to see Altar serving up and running again.
The people of our parish are wonderful and they support their churches no end but the numbers involved in these roles have fallen in recent years.
Please continue to pray and look within oneself to see can I as an individual help in some way. In all walks of life, there can be a mindset that someone else will do it. Participating in these roles is a form of prayer in itself – it’s an offering of oneself to the will of God. Please allow yourself to remain open within your heart to the voice of the Lord – should he be asking you at this time to assist him with these roles.
We will set up a what’s App grouping to enable people in different Ministries to easily call upon others to swap with them, where difficulties present in attending on certain weekends.
If you cannot attend the meeting but are willing to be involved, please phone or e mail Fr. Gabriel.
Maybe you might not be able to be involved in a regular rota due to work or otherwise but are willing to be on stand by (in a what’s app grouping or otherwise); if someone else cannot attend on a specified weekend. That in itself can play a wonderful part. If you can play any part, please come forward.